Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday, March 6, 2009

This was a poem I wrote while on Spring Break my last year of college.... Enjoy

This is just a poem I wrote today.....
I was looking out the window at the barren trees and remembering summer with all it's twists and turns....


It started with wind
Touching the trees lightly and
Tickling their leaves

Up next came the clouds
Dark and ominous, oozing
Over the prairie

Then came the wet rain
Gently at first, preceding the
Deafening downpour

The wind, once gentle
Now rages at the black sky
Trees tremble with fear

Furious, black, and twisted
A finger from the heavens
Reaches to the earth

Tenaciously the
Infant leaves cling to Mother
Her roots quake the ground

The finger rips, tears,
Uproots Mother, sucking her
To a splin’tring death

Quickly as it came
The villain leaves, a crooked
Path left in it’s wake

Death seems the only
King, but Mother still smiles
Her life did not end

Some infants live on
Though thrown to the ground, refuse
To be beaten now

In the path of death
Her fragile seeds bring new life
Beauty from the ashes

Clouds, once ominous
Now float happily above
The children of pain

Long ago one was
Beaten but now lives again:
It started with the wind